My name is Emma Gonzalez Cueto. I created this website in 2020, at 15 years old. I was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina and grew up in Shanghai, China. I am now in St. Paul, Minnesota. The Rest of Us is my collection of photos of life I come across as I live in this world.  

Before moving to Shanghai, I knew nothing about it. I’ve since lived there for 6 years and have learned so much about what life is somewhere else. It’s so different yet similar. We’re all doing the same thing on this planet: finding something to paint on the blank canvas we’re given and call it “life”. With this comes a sense of unity that is instilled upon us. Yet, as I’ve grown up, I’ve also learned what life means to me personally: it’s about love, appreciation, creation, and balance. Individualism should not be shunned, but neither should community. We are all the same yet most of us will never know the other or how they live. This is my attempt to change that and provide a glimpse into people’s lives and what it means to be alive. — to bring us closer. The way you cross paths with someone and for a moment and you are both living there together. We coexist and that means we must respect each other, love each other, and grow together, as people and a society. I wish to capture life as it is happening (cars, people, animals, insects, plants, flowers, bikes, restaurants, etc.); everything is happening around us and if we look away, we’ll miss it. Of course it is impossible to see everything everywhere all at once but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive to keep engaging with our world. I wish to show you something new in life, to see the way people live; the essence of life. What first started out as a younger me coping and finding her way through life has now turned into an older me appreciating the journey, everything I’ve been given, get to experience, and everything yet to come. This is The Rest of Us. 

This project has been inspired by Bill Hovey, 18 August 1961 - 01 May 2021.