The snow in Minnesota

the snow in Minnesota is sweet 

and icicles drip off trees 

like a sickly sugary treat

the sun sets at 7:30

and because it basks in all its glory

the snow in Minnesota 

gets muddy and dirty 

the snow in Minnesota, 

is actually grass 

underneath it lies a green green blanket of blades 

ones that would never hurt, never cut

because they are love cascades

the snow in minnesota 

is thousands of people saying hi everyday 

“watch out for the ice today” 

or “make sure to shovel your walkways!” 

it’s people living and breathing 

in every flake

its living and learning 

with every ache

loving and yearning 

for every time you wake

for the snow in minnesota 

when i lay in it

i hear the voices 

of love and grief 

of joy and fullness

and loneliness that eats away at your soul 

and so the snow in minnesota 

is a blanket i sleep with 

a sea i dive in 

of a cold that heals my head

and a cold that fills me with dread 


I didn’t know

