The sun that never came

You are the sun that never came 

That shone it’s light for a moment upon my face 

And then just as quickly went away 

making way for the rain

You were a sun that’d just been born

I want to take you to explore 

All that the galaxy holds for a sun just born

You were sunny and simple 

You were a different person to me then 

Just a face with a dimple 

I’d long for on end 

Alas a sun just born 

Sits peering on the horizon 

Blazing with the raging fire side 

But too scared of itself, so you leave us forlorn 

The sun that never came 

Is the sun that’s just been learning 

How to be a sun as bright 

As the light that leaves me yearning

For it 

How to shine its light unto itself 

The way it shines on me 


Monolith that isn’t


(things i think of in bed:) I LIVE A LONELY LIFE